Cultivating reading habits in young children!

Cultivating reading habits in young children!

In conjunction with the launch of the Resource Centre and Children’s Library, an expert roundtable session themed, “Raising Gadget-Free Kids” was held where a panel of experts tackle key observations and insights on today’s children who are more technology dependent. The session saw an Advisory Panel of experts such as Yang Berbahagia Datuk Dr Zulkifli Ismail, Past President of the Malaysian Paediatric Association (MPA) and Secretary General of Asia Pacific Pediatric Association (APPA); Pn Norsheila Abdullah, PPBM President and Ms Gladys Goh, Group General Manager of Nippon Paint.

Yang Berbahagia Datuk Dr Zulkifli Ismail pointed out that children are more inclined to participate in activities or adhere to instructions in an environment that is safe and uplifting. “A child’s development is very much dependent on the environment the child is in. From a tender age as young as 0 to 4 years old, children are inquisitive and will develop their preferences and habits based on the environment they are in and the experiences they gain. While gadget use has its pros in today’s modern day and age, parents should monitor screen time to ensure a holistic cognitive development.”

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), children age 2 to 5 years are advised to limit screen use to 1 hour per day of high-quality programmes. While screen time in moderation is encouraged, parents should also critically look into the selection of programmes. A recent study published by the Perak Medical Journal1 revealed Malaysian children below the age of 2 spent an average of 6 hours on electric screens, with television being the highest screen time (5.9 hours), followed by iPad/Tablet (3.2 hours).

Hence, Persatuan Pengasuh Berdaftar Malaysia (“PPBM”) in partnership with Nippon Paint Malaysia launched its maiden showcase of the Resource Centre and Children’s Library at its headquarters in Petaling Jaya. The PPBM Resource Centre is aimed at providing relevant information and references regarding setting up of a child care centre, while the Children’s Library is aimed at cultivating reading habits in young children of 4 years old and below.

Malaysia’s No. 1 coating solutions provider Nippon Paint Malaysia Group (“Nippon Paint”) will be providing colour and functional coatings advisory to PPBM members who are looking at repainting their child care centres or children’s library. The partnership with PPBM began in 2017, under the purview of Nippon Paint’s Child Wellness Programme – an educational campaign aimed to empower today’s discerning parents and key decision makers towards creating uplifting environments for children, through various awareness and educational initiatives related to children’s health and wellness. 

] Dato’ Dr Amar-Singh HSS (2018), Perak Medical Journal (formerly known as Medical Practice Hospital Ipoh) (Volume 14 Number 1, 2018). A Publication of PGMES Ipoh Hospital & CRC Perak